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a map with sunglasses and travel-related items on it

The Best Travel Apps and Websites for 2024

Do you love traveling but hate travel planning? Me too. You need to find transportation and lodging, figure out how to use your cell phone in foreign countries, plan for ...
View of a pool from a 19th-floor balcony

How to Find the Best Airbnb Rentals 2024

If you’re new to Airbnb, you may find you’ve picked a less-than-desirable place. Perhaps you were seduced by the pretty pictures, enticed by a low price, or naively thought any ...
A gondolier in Venice

What You Need to Know About Traveling in the Schengen Area

Hi there, fellow traveler. Are you thinking of visiting Europe for an extended period of time? If so, do you understand the Schengen Area rules? Don’t be like Steve and ...
A hand holding a coin

Wind and Whim’s 2023 Full-Time Travel Costs

It’s time to review what Steve and I spent on travel in 2023. We had a busy year that included two trips back to the U.S., a two-week trip to ...
For Rent sign by Chris Robert on

The Truth About Staying in Airbnbs

A sure sign of success is when your competitors gear their ads toward disparaging you. In the summer of 2022, the vacation rental company VRBO released a series of ads ...
Two piggy banks on a seesaw

Wind and Whim’s 2022 Full-Time Travel Costs

It’s that time of year again! I get to put my accountant hat on and share our full-time travel costs with you. I started sharing our travel costs in 2019 ...