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A garden with palm trees and cacti with mountains in the background

July 2024 Recap: La Palma and Gran Canaria, Canary Islands

In July, we said goodbye to the Island of Tenerife and flew to the Island of La Palma. We enjoyed our five weeks in Tenerife but were also looking forward ...
A beach with palm trees and thatched umbrellas

June 2024 Recap: Tenerife, Canary Islands

Wind and Whim contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, we will earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks! Hello! I hope you’re ...
a group of stuffed bears in red and black uniforms

March 2024: Cambridge, Bury St. Edmunds, and London, U.K.

Cambridge Our three-day trip to Cambridge got off to a rainy start. The train station, as seen through a window in our hotel But we still enjoyed the art at ...
a man sitting on stairs kissing a dog

Everything You Need to Know About Pet Sitting While Traveling

Are you a long-term or full-time traveler looking for a way to lower your travel costs? Are you a pet lover? If so, pet sitting while traveling may be just ...
A man and woman walking through a park

Slow Travel: Better for You, Better for the Environment

Hi there. Have you ever taken a vacation that plum wore you out? Maybe you took a multi-day tour that didn’t provide enough downtime. Perhaps you got tired of packing ...
The front of the Thunderbird Inn in Savannah

Wind and Whim Update: January and February 2024

Greetings from London, where Steve and I have spent the last seven weeks waiting for nice weather. I hope wherever you are, spring is already working its magic. We ended ...